Anatomy of a Mintz Group Report

Over the past 30 years, we’ve been trusted with vetting candidates for the highest-profile C-level and board placements. We've developed new technologies to check backgrounds of junior and mid-level hires in economical ways that provide meaningful insights. Here are the unique features and best practices that set Mintz Reports apart.

We Go Beyond Online Sources
There’s a pervasive myth that everything about a person’s or a company’s background is available through simple online searches. In fact, searching the web is only a first step – to access most of the records that tell a person’s or a company’s story, one must search manually in courthouses, regulatory files and obscure archives.

We Alert Clients to Issues in Real Time
One of the worst offenses to a client is to “sit on” red flags that come up early in the process and wait until the background check is complete. We appreciate the need to stay in close touch with our clients.

We Find Trouble in a Person’s Past Even When a Name Isn’t on It
The American CFO whose tenure was marred by an options-backdating scandal or the Italian executive who stepped off the board of the telecom company amidst fraud accusations – these are both situations that raise red flags, but in neither case was the person sued or formally accused of misconduct. It is important to search for controversies involving someone’s past employers and boards regardless of whether the individual's name is on them.

We Clear Up the Fog of Common Names
Clients hate hearing from their investigative firms, “We are not sure whether any of these is the relevant person – they are a name match only.” We solve dilemmas caused by common names, including using care in ensuring that a potentially disqualifying issue indeed involves the executive and not someone else with the same name.

We Recognize Red Flags
It takes a well-trained eye (and certainly a human eye, not an algorithm) to recognize what really constitutes a red flag – a routine-looking shareholder lawsuit that sparks the attention of regulators, for example, or a divorce containing allegations of financial misconduct.

We Conduct Global Searches in Local Languages
We conduct investigations all over the world and know where records are to be found in every country. Records and news articles are maintained per local norms and customs and are invariably in their local language; we translate from a variety of languages to achieve seamless coverage.

We Go Back More Than a Few Years
Many investigative firms choose an arbitrary time period, some as short as the last three years, when looking into an executive’s background. But executives can have long track records, and we often recommend going all the way back to college.

We Write User-Friendly Reports
 Clients are often frustrated by “data dump” reports that require them to wade through reams of undigested background information. We write user-friendly reports that include an executive summary, present complex information in everyday language, and attach the raw documents

Contact Mintz Group


Doug Chisholm

New York


Ian Casewell



Peter Lagomarsino

San Francisco

Christopher Weil

Washington, D.C.